Top 5 Tuesday: Let’s Judge the Books by their Terrible Art Cover. Shall we?

Top 5 Tuesday is weekly meme hosted by Shanah and this week’s topic is Top 5 Worst Book Cover

I know we’re not supposed to judge books by their cover but let’s be honest here, do you even pick up bad cover books in the bookstore? Because I don’t, I probaby glance at them, make a face, and walk through! Amazing cover with plain ordinary story has way bigger chance to be picked, why couldn’t the publishers and the authors get that?

Harry Potter



I’m really glad that I watched the movie before I read the books, if it wasn’t because of the movie I wouldn’t even bother to read these honestly. I mean, they’re not entirely bad but they really didn’t interpret the grandeur of the story. The covers are plain boring, who would have thought that the story are so magical and addicting?!

Kate Daniels Series



OH MY GOD, I can’t even find a proper word to describe how bad these covers are. I hate the picture of an actual human on a book cover (except The Selection series, they’re gorgeous okay!). WHAT EVEN IS THIS? I know the stories are great, I’ve heard so many praises about the series and some of my friends are really like them. I really want to read these, I really do, but I can’t! Maybe I won’t ever, probably until they remake the cover!

Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy



I’ve only read one book by Laini Taylor, it was Strange the Dreamer. And I finally understood why people love her books! So many of my friends recommend this series to me because I love STD so much but I can’t even stand the cover. They’re a litte bit scary for me, and they’re weird too!

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest


I really love the movie, that was what bring me to read this amazing book with the terrible cover! In my defense, this is the only edition we have in library so I guess I have no choice but to suck it up!







Now call me conservative all you want but I really don’t think it’s appropriate to show this many skin on a book cover! As a matter of fact, I don’t think human should be on book cover! It was just a bad bad idea ( again, not you The Selection, you are amazing!)


Do you agree or disagree? Which book do you think has the worst cover? Do you judge books by their cover too?





25 thoughts on “Top 5 Tuesday: Let’s Judge the Books by their Terrible Art Cover. Shall we?

    1. True, but this is the very first edition and I grew up with these covers haha. Hey I didn’t know there are other cover of DOSAB, thanks for letting me know. Ughh I know right, abs on the cover is just so horrible!

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  1. Oh I guess we all judge books by their covers a little bit, we can’t help it, can we? 😛 What I love about Harry Potter is how many different editions there are, at least there has to be one that you’ll love, so that’s good 😀
    I’m not a fan of that Daughter of Smoke and Bone cover, I much prefer the other edition for the first book, it’s a red door on it, and it looks sooo pretty 🙂 Also, not a fan of book covers with man’s abs on them haha 🙂
    Lovely post! 🙂


    1. I love that about HP too but I grew up with these edition so I think I have an emotional attachment with these LOL. Oh my, am I the only one who didn’t know that DOSAB has another edition? LOLOLOL I thought I’m the only one who hat the abs cover here!

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    1. LOL me too, that’s why I haven’t pick up this book yet despite my friends told me to! Good thing Strange the Dreamer has a gorgeous cover!!

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    1. I haven’t either but my friends told me this series is good, hey I’ve heard great things about Inn Chronicles too!! I might pick them up someday! Happy reading 💕


  2. Whenever I’m in public, browsing blogs, I always get nervous I’m going to visit one with a book cover with a nearly naked person and get some raised eyebrows from those trying to sneak a peek at my phone (you know those people). One of my favorite fantasy series, Juliet Marillier’s Sevenwaters series, has these ugly covers that I am not fond of at all. I’m grateful I gave them a chance because if I was just picking up books based on the cover alone, I would have skipped them.

    Thank you so much, Carolina, for being such an awesome partner for the Comment Challenge. I really enjoyed interacting with you and hope we can continue to do so. I think you’re awesome and will be visiting your blog regularly even though we won’t be partners 😦 But I’m so glad to have met you 🙂


    1. OMG LOL I hope I didn’t get you in trouble when you were reading this post because I included so many abs pics here! Oh I know those people, I always feel nervous too tbh! Ah so glad that you gave them a chance, I will read the Kate Daniels series too eventually even if those covers are terrible.

      Oh you are the sweetest Alicia!! You’re a great partner yourself, and I will totally visit your blog and comment on them and spoil you with my favorite songs! 💕

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  3. Aww, I’m sobbing a bit that you don’t like the HP covers; they’re so pretty and colorful in my opinion… 😭 And same, I don’t like the covers of DOSAB! They look a bit tacky haha. Oh, and I love One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest! It’s one of my favorite books of all time, but I’m with you on that cover; so dull and boring for how amazing the content is lol. Terrific picks! ❤

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    1. Haha I don’t think it’s bad really but it’s not very appealing, like they didn’t represent the magic inside the books at all. Yes they are a bit tacky! OH MY GOD, you like On Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest too? I loveeee that book but why the hell the cover’s like that 😂

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      1. Girlllll, I LOVE One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest! It’s so freaking amazing, and I think it’s a shame that most people I’ve talked to in the blogosphere haven’t read it. *sobs* But yeah, that cover…I have this book on my shelf, and it’s so bland; also, the font looks incredibly cheap in person. 😂

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      2. OMG first Bartimaeus and now this?? I think we’re meant for each other!!! Oh God you actually have it? 😂

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      3. I think we may have to exchange wedding vows at this point. 😂 And lol YES, I have this exact copy! Although I will admit that I have noooo idea where it is right now; I’ve read it so many times that I think I may have dropped it somewhere. It’s the first time I’ve ever lost a book I wanted to keep, but still, it’s a good excuse for me to buy a prettier edition. 😉

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