WWW Wednesday


WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam. To participate, you just have to answer these following questions:

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What do you think you will read next?

current read

You know this book has been on my TBR from the very first time and I’m so glad that I finally had the chance to read the e-ARC. I’m currently on 43% progress and I’m slightly disappointed, slighly, just a tiny bit. I can’t share it with you yet but I will soon!

Oh and I’ll be hosting a blog tour on 28th August with other blogger friends, so keep your eyes open!

just finished


Well I didn’t expect I will end up crying my lungs out hoping this book won’t end because I really didn’t like this book until pages 250-ish. For once I’m glad that I forced myself to power through this book! Review coming up soon!

next read


This is one of my latest purchase. I love Illuminae Files so of course I bought another book by Jay Kristoff. And I’ve heard amazing things about it, so I really hope that I’ll like this book!



Have you read any of this books? What do you think about it?

What’s your current read? Do you like it?

29 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday

    1. Well so far I didn’t find something special on Mirage either. I have a bad feeling that I’ll end up disappointed. Oh no, I’ve heard so many great reviews of Lifelike, hope I like it though. Thank you Aimee 💕


    1. So far I’m still a lil bit disappointed but who knows, maybe the ending will surprise me! I’m gonna read Lifelike as soon as I finished Mirage. Happy reading, love 💕

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      1. Aweee I’m sorry to hear that! I’m curious to see if you’ve finished it and what you thought of it start to finish 💕 (I hope that you loved it…and that if you didn’t, that you’ll love your next read!)


      2. I have and I’m not a big fans but it’s still enjoyable though, I have a feeling that book two will be way better and interesting!! I just finished Lifelike and LOVED IT!!!! Hope you enjoy your current read babe 💕

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      3. Awe that’s too bad! But yeah it’s probable that the next book will be better! Often times authors grow with their books 🙂 And yay that’s so good to hear about Lifel1k3!!! I wanna pick that one up soon! And thanks so much! I’m reading When Life Gives You Demons and it’s fun lol


      4. Yeah that’s not much happening in the first book, it kinda dull. Lifelike in the other hand, OMG there are so many things going on in that book! Hope you like it! I’ve seen When Life Gives You Demons everywhere lately but didn’t pay attention to what’s the book about, but I’m glad that you find it fun, Happy reading babe 💕

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      5. That’s so good to hear about Lifel1k3! And I’m almost done When Life Gives You Demons haha it’s very easy to read and not too long. Plus it’s been mostly fun 😀 Thanks so much! You too! 💕

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    1. I really hope the ending will surprise me because I’m 80% done and it’s still nothing 😭 but maybe you’ll enjoy this book more than I do!! Hope you have a great week as well 💕

      I’m listening to it now and it’s so great!! I think it’s be my new favorite, thank you 💕

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    1. I do hope it’ll get better because this is my most anticipated book! Aaah I can’t wait to read Lifelike, heard so many great reviews!!

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      1. So I just finished it aand, I’m still disappointed haha, but I’m curious to find out what happen in book 2, maybe book 2 will be better!

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  1. Ahhh, aku pengen banget baca Mirage!!! Liat covernya itu keren pake banget!!
    By the way, berhubung aku baru aktif blog lagi, aku mau masukin satu fitur namanya booklovertalks yaitu interview book blogger ataupun reviewer buku. Nah orang pertamanya nanti kamu ya. Bersedia ga?
    (ehehe maaf lewat komen blog, nantinya aku bakal DM personal juga siyh) 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aku baru selese baca kaak, gak se keren yang aku harapkan sih ceritanya tapi ya bolehlah. Aku pasti bakal beli, covernya menggiurkan, apalagi cover UK!! Waah thank you for considering me kak, I’d love to!! 💕

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  2. Lifel1k3 is on my TBR! I’m hoping to get to it soon, but we’ll see.. We all know how it goes with TBR’s, right?!
    I’ve heard amazing things about Mirage, but also some lesser things. Guess I’ll be waiting for more reviews before I make up my mind about it, hah. 🙂


    1. I hope you like Lif3like! That book is the best, and the worst (because of the twist) but you should definitely read it! Read more reviews before you read it is a wise move!!


  3. Pingback: Wrap Up: July 2018

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